Summer Peach Salsa


I’m really excited about this summer peach salsa! Not only was it super simple to make, it was delicious too! Usually I’m a recipe follower–dependent on my shopping list and measuring cups–but this time I decided to wing it. My fridge is full of Jersey peaches after my trip to the local farmer’s market earlier this week. The rest of the ingredients are all seasonal items I usually have on hand, but could be easily substituted for other salsa favorites of your choosing.

My summer salsa was made with:

  • Yellow peaches
  • Tomatoes
  • Green peppers
  • Yellow onions
  • Salt & pepper

I didn’t include measurements because like I said, I decided to wing it this time–and you should too! Next time I think I’ll add avocado and mangos to the mix! What seasonal ingredients would make up your perfect summer salsa?

Happy dipping : )